Hello, I'm Dylan, a cloud developer at West Loop Strategy, an AWS Partner. For the beginning of our AWS Analytics Expert Series, we are going to discuss QuickSight, and why your company should take advantage of it.

QuickSight is the first cloud based AI and Analytics platform brought to you by AWS. Rather than looking at tables of data in Excel, we want to tell a story with the data that will help guide a general manager, or a CFO, to build action plans that improve business efficiency and grow revenue. QuickSight is primarily three important tools. Datasets are the creation of your database view or table within QuickSight. Datasets are then used to build visualizations in a sandbox development style environment called an Analysis. Once an official report is built in the Analysis, it is published into a broad environment called a Dashboard that your users will access.

There are some major use cases enjoyed by our clients and their customers like contact center reporting, utilizing minute to minute tracking of metrics to handle daily patterns in employee and customer interactions. Or, they can utilize it for financial reporting, providing an executive summary style report to summarize any important company or client stats over the time period, and following up with a deep dive on comparison metrics for previous time periods showing growth or decline.

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Find answers to common questions about cloud migration and working with West Loop Strategy.

Why choose West Loop Strategy?

With 30+ years of industry experience and over 10 AWS certifications, we offer proven expertise to seamlessly transition your business to the cloud.

How does cloud migration work?

Cloud migration is the process of moving an organization's data, applications, and infrastructure from on-premises servers to the cloud. Our team of AWS certified Solutions Architects at Company Name is here to guide you through this transition, ensuring it's tailored to your business and its unique requirements. From initial assessment to seamless execution, we'll help you navigate the complexities of cloud migration with confidence.

What are the benefits of cloud migration?

Migrating to the cloud on AWS unlocks near limitless scalability, ensuring businesses can grow seamlessly without the burden of managing physical infrastructure. Coupled with AWS's stringent security measures and compliance certifications, organizations can trust their data is safeguarded at all times. Moreover, by optimizing resources and leveraging AWS's pay-as-you-go pricing model, companies can realize significant cost savings while accelerating innovation and agility.

How long does migration take?

The duration of an AWS cloud migration can vary greatly depending on factors such as the size and complexity of the infrastructure being migrated, the readiness of the organization, the level of expertise available, and the chosen migration strategy.

For smaller, less complex applications, a migration might take a few weeks to a couple of months. However, for larger enterprises with complex systems, the migration process could extend over several months or even years.It's essential to thoroughly plan and execute the migration, considering factors like data transfer, application refactoring, testing, and training.

Additionally, organizations should allocate time for troubleshooting and unforeseen challenges that may arise during the migration process. Working closely with AWS experts or utilizing AWS migration tools and resources can help streamline the process and ensure a successful migration within a reasonable timeframe.

What support does West Loop Strategy provide?

West Loop Strategy offers comprehensive support throughout the cloud migration process. Our customized migration plans prioritize your uptime and operational integrity, while the duration of the migration is tailored to the complexity of your infrastructure, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruptions.